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The Viva SKY Pencil 88 is a modern day blast from the past with updated  looks, features, same topwater action with improved overall castability, durability, and performance. The original Japanese Viva pencil popper made of lightweight balsa carried a healthy following within the bassfishing and tournament world during the 90's. Catch has taken that same finesse topwater concept and has created it into hard plastic. The Sky Pencil topwater action is unlike no other, sits completely vertical, upon twitching it dives under the water surface then rises back up into a subtle, tail down re-surfacing action. The best way to describe this subtle movement is completely ENTICING. If you're a topwater finatic, the Viva Sky Pencil is one you will smoke em' on.


Weight: .28 ozs.

Length: 88 mm/ 3.46"

Hooks: Prism 5x Trebles with hand tied rear treble.



* Advice:  The Sky Pencil is slender, thus weight sensitive, adding weight may kill overall action and floatation. Do not upsize hooks, split rings,... as it will create drag and deter action


Viva SKY Pencil 88

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